Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. A really close look. Do a few things on your face need some attention? Sometimes there are obvious things that we don’t even see anymore, but others see them every time they look at us. Hair growing in the wrong places can be problematic. Things like skin tags and raised moles can also be distracting. As we age there are more and more issues that crop up in regards to our appearance. Now is the time to address these issues. If you have heard Kathryn during one of her presentations you know she refers to our faces as our “money makers”. Is your face making you money? There are many options to deal with these issues, so don’t let your face become a distraction. Use it to make you money!
Let’s start at the top of your faces with eyebrows. If you watched the Royal wedding last week, you saw a perfect example of some eyebrows that need a little attention on the Archbishop of Canterbury (seen above in the photo) who performed the ceremony. Men, do not, we repeat, do not allow your eyebrows to become out of control like the Archbishop’s! Maybe he can get away with it, but you cannot. If you need help, look on YouTube for many tutorials. There are also many products on the market to help tame those caterpillars. Here’s a link to some great manscaping tools for all parts of the male body. For women the problems can range from too bushy to non-existent eyebrows. Any salon can wax your eyebrows and give you great arch. You can also pluck with tweezers. Just be careful with both of these not to overdo it. If you need fuller eyebrows due to over tweezing, look for eyebrow kits to help fill in that area. Avoid the pencil drawn on look and go for a powder eyebrow kit. The look is much more natural. Also ladies, if you color your hair, make certain that your brows match your hair color! Many times we color our hair lighter, but forget about our dark brows. This can be very aging. Your hair dresser can make your brows match if you just ask her!
Moving down to the middle of your face let’s take a good look at your nose and ears. Is there anything growing out of your nostrils or your ears? If you can answer “yes”, get yourself a nose and ear trimmer today! Many models are available at any drug store and most are less than $20. If you have this problem, chances are no one is going to tell you, but there is a huge “ick” factor associated with hair coming from the nose and ears. No excuses, just fix it today!
Next in our journey down the face is the mouth area. Men, first and foremost, we do not recommend facial hair in the professional work place. However, if you insist on facial hair, it must be well groomed and maintained to the highest standards. Also keep in mind that if your hair growth is a different color than your beard growth it can be quite aging. Avoid this by using any number of products available such as Blackbeard for Men to keep your beard color and hair color the same. For women, unwanted facial hair can be an embarrassing problem. Most times unwanted hair growth in older women is a normal condition that comes with aging. Sometimes it's because of genetics and is passed down through generations. But sometimes it’s caused by a medical condition such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). If you suspect this, consult with your physician. You do have options to remove this unwanted hair from above the lip or on the sides of the face. For the upper lip you can tweeze, wax or have it permanently removed with lasers. Waxing is probably the easiest way. This method takes care of the hair for about 4 to 6 weeks and can be done at any salon. If you have hair on the side of the face, you can use a precision groomer. You can also have all of it permanently removed with lasers. Laser hair removal can be costly and takes approximately six to eight sessions. The energy of the laser destroys the hair bulb. This method must be done by a licensed professional who is trained to do this procedure.
Skin tags or raised moles can appear as we age. If these have begun appearing on your face, consult with a dermatologist. There are many procedures that can take care of these problems. Just don’t ignore them.
Now go take that close look at yourself in the mirror. Be certain that your face is your “money maker” every day!
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