The rubber really hits the road when it’s time for our job evaluation. Too often managers will give us feedback on our job performance, but are unwilling to touch our personal image issues. It’s especially tough for men evaluating their female subordinates. They usually don’t want to go anywhere near wardrobe or grooming topics – it’s uncomfortable at best and at worst can have a whiff of sexual harassment. So, how are we going to get any real feedback? Especially on those image blind spots that could be doing us serious career damage? Where can we get an objective opinion that can help us see our blind spots? Here are some ideas:
- Recruit a mentor unafraid to discuss image. So everyone needs mentors in their professional life and hopefully you are on this already. Someone that you admire professionally that’s not directly in your chain of command might be a good person to ask about how you come off – image wise. Be candid about wanting to become more self-aware.
- Mirror, mirror on the wall. Really! I’m talking about an actual full-length mirror in your house. Ideally, locate the mirror close to your bathroom and closet, so you can check your look (front, back and sides) every morning before leaving for work. Do you look like the professional you need to be to gain respect today? Change what isn’t working and go forth!
- Pay someone. OK, this one’s really self-serving, but that’s the role I play for many of my clients. An image professional is always objective, is not emotionally attached and will give you the feedback and constructive advice that you may otherwise never hear. I’ve met with some clients for just a short session and been able to pinpoint serious image issues that they could easily fix.
Next blog: A great tool for revealing your wardrobe blind spots.