Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Sour Situation

OK-there is just no polite way to say this- bad breath stinks! Everyone suffers from halitosis every now and then. How do you tell someone they have bad breath, what causes it and how can we rid the world of bad breath?
  • How do you politely tell someone their breath is a smeller? Always carry gum or mints, take one yourself and offer one to the offender. Hopefully they will get the clue. If not, you are left with a few other options. Most of the time people are not as offended when someone close tells them about their bad breath – think about doing them a favor by breaking the news…. But what if it’s a co-worker or someone we must deal with on a regular basis? We love the online option at You can send an anonymous email alerting the offender of their breath (or body odor or bad table manners!) The email provides a helpful link to overcoming the offensive behavior. However you choose to tell that person, ensure you are being respectful and understanding.
  • So, what are the causes of skunk breath? It can be poor oral hygiene and/or the food and beverages we consume. Not brushing and flossing adequately may be the only problem for some. Foods like garlic, onions and cheese and beverages like coffee are some of the worst offenders. After food is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, it’s carried to the lungs, where you exhale it until your body eliminates it. For some foods, this can take up to 72 hours! So beware what you eat! And quit smoking! Smoking dries out your mouth, meaning there’s less saliva to wash away food debris and bacteria. The result is halitosis. There are times when bad breath is sign of a medical condition such as an infection in the throat, nose, or elsewhere in the respiratory tract. It can also be caused by a gastrointestinal problem, diabetes, or serious kidney and liver disorders. A visit to the doctor may be in order to help diagnosis these problems.
  • No matter the cause, there are plenty of resources available to freshen up that bad breath! Sloppy oral care leaves food particles behind that collect bacteria, which can cause bad breath, so brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day. And definitely floss at least once a day. Ask us about Colgate Wisps-- the freshening teeth cleaner to use when you can’t brush! We’ll be happy to supply samples to anyone! Also, keep mints and gum on hand and drink plenty of water. This will help remove food particles from your mouth and keep you hydrated (dehydration is another major cause of halitosis).
In most cases, all it takes to banish bad breath is to adopt healthy habits. Knowing that your breath is fresh and clean will boost your image and your confidence as you go about your daily activities!