Becoming Your Own Chief Energy Officer
Top 10 Rituals for Performing at your best
1. Choose specific times and days to do at least three cardiovascular and two strength workouts each week.
2. Eat energy rich foods, focusing on proteins and complex carbohydrates, every three hours. A typical day should include three smaller meals and two snacks (each 100-200 calories).
3. Begin preparing for sleep at least 45 minutes prior to going to bed by quieting your body and mind. Sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.
4. When you notice yourself feeling like you’re a victim, separate the facts of the situation from the story you are telling yourself. What is the most realistically optimistic story you could tell here without denying or minimizing the facts? Put another way, how would you respond to this situation at your best?
5. When you feel triggered – pushed into negative emotions–take a deep breath and “feel” your feet. Whatever you feel compelled to do, don’t. Buy time until you feel able to truly reflect on how you’d like to respond, rather than simply reacting.
6. Designate specific times throughout the day when you ask yourself: “What energy quadrant am I in?” If you find yourself on the negative side of the quadrants, ask yourself: “What do I need to do to move myself back over to the positive side?
7. Before you go to bed, identify the most important task you could do the following day. Do the most important thing first thing in the morning by scheduling a minimum of 45 minutes and no more than 90 minutes for this task for 60 to 90 minutes. Treat this time as sacredly as you would a meeting. When you are finished, take a renewal break.
8. Set aside designated periods of time each week to reflect, strategize and focus on the big picture.
9. Set aside regularly scheduled times – at least five minutes for each one – during which you meditate or engage in a deep breathing exercise in order to develop and train the “muscle” of absorbed focus.
10. Check in with yourself once a day to reflect on this question: “How aligned is my behavior today aligned with my deepest values – the person I want to be?” If you’ve fallen short, what change do you need to make going forward?
So there you have it. We hope you find this insightful. We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts!