Smile! We guarantee that someone on the other end of the line will be able to “hear” your smile. There will be a distinct difference in your speech if you smile when you’re talking. Having a hard time following this rule? Keep a mirror at your desk, and smile away! Here’s something else that’s heard over the phone -- your posture! When you sit up, your lungs take in more air and your vocal tone is greatly improved. It’s also important to reset your mindset with each call. You may have just completed a frustrating conversation, but don’t let any emotional leakage carry over to the next call. Each new call deserves your upbeat attitude.
Greetings. Your voicemail greeting must be professional. There’s a current trend in my generation to be goofy, whether it’s by singing a voicemail greeting, or playing music in the background. Voicemail greetings should be void of any background noise and silliness. Be sure to state your full name. If you’ll be away from your phone for an extended period of time, include that as well. Once you are back in the office, be sure to update your greeting. Also, have personal standards. Commit to return all messages within 24 hours, or by the end of the work day. Don’t let your mailbox get full, either. Not only will you miss important messages, but people may suspect you are trying to avoid calls (and work!)
After the beep. How often do we reach someone’s voicemail, and instantly lose all train of thought once we hear the beep? Make sure you know in advance what needs to be said. The bare bones of a voicemail include: Your name, a number where you can be reached, the actual message (the reason you’re calling), and a repeat of your number. Repeating your number will prevent the listener from having to play the entire message again.
Just a few more tips to keep your image polished, professional, and exceeding expectations!
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