In focus groups, the company learned that women thought of Talbots as perfect for their grandmothers. How many of us may need the same wake up call to boost our image and stage our own comeback? There are many I suspect! But exactly how do we do this?
First-we need to understand the difference between a “trend” and a “fad.” A trend is defined as a current, prevailing style or fashion, the general direction in which things tend to move. A trend has staying power. And a trend may ultimately become a classic (think wrap-dress, espadrilles or animal prints.) A fad is a stand-out fashion statement that quickly becomes adopted by many people, who just as quickly become tired of it. Fads are a craze that will come and go as fast as you can purchase the latest one, so beware of fads. Remember fanny packs and stirrup pants? A trend is more long term and can help you look more relevant and current. You don’t have to invest in a whole new wardrobe to keep up with the latest trends. Something as simple as a new chunky necklace or colored tights are perfect to help you boost your image. Look through fashion magazines to keep up with the latest trends. You don’t need to run out and purchases everything you see, just stay on top of what’s happening in the fashion world.
And gentlemen, though less tempted by fads, are not immune. Grown men
wearing graphic T-shirts (like the Ed Hardy shown here) is a perfect example of buying into a fad. What message does this send? We’ll let you decide that for yourself.

Second-and we have addressed this before in our blogs: Clean out your closet! Get rid of the dead weight. If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you will never wear it again. Get rid of it! Look at our older blogs for great ideas about what do to with your dead weight.
We’re wondering if it may be time to rethink our closets and to rethink shopping at Talbots. They are trying for a “hipper” and “younger” image and with the likes of Michelle Obama spotted in their clothes, it’s just a matter of time before that “hipper,” yet classic image takes off. Perhaps we'll help support their comeback by checking out their new offerings!
Great blog Image Matters! And, thank you for the gentle reminder of trend versus fad.
Re-think! Re-think! We love it... thanks for the awesome post!
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